In Search Of The Woven Time
2021, 6:14 min

Commissioned by the StädteRegion Aachen


In Praise of Craft IV  „Custom Shoemaker“
2020, 9:28 min

With Sascha Halm

Commissioned by the Dresden State Art Collections, 180 ideas for Saxony 2020


In Praise of Craft III – Indigo Printing
2020, 8:15 min

With Cordula Reppe

Commissioned by the Dresden State Art Collections, 180 ideas for Saxony 2020


In Praise of Craft I – Flower Fabrication
2020, 6:33 min

With Heide and Gerald Steyer

Commissioned by the Dresden State Art Collections, 180 ideas for Saxony 2020

Sketches on a Movie Set

Sketches on a Movie Set
2019, 3:50 min

During the filming of my husband’s contribution to an Edward Hopper exhibition, I took black and white photographic sketches of moments that would lead to the final version of his 3D Installation.
Which performances develop and change during the time of rehearsal, and which lonely gestures could my camera capture that would preserve the DNA or the genesis of a character? Was it allowed to be a witness to such innocent beauty apparent in any devoted moment of concentration and in every preparing thought? Or was this a forbidden territory that should remain untouched?

Through My Window

Through My Window
2019, 9:35 (loop)

Pondering over the nature of photography, I observed from different perspectives the sunlight that had travelled from far away, through the atmosphere and summer leaves and the dirty glass of an old window, only to draw constantly changing patterns of light and shadow onto the brick walls, the cement floor and the wooden structures of an old barn. It struck me that this silent spectacle was in fact the beauty I tried to capture. This effervescent playful wonder seemed like the perfect image for the PRESENCE of God in his first creation, which after all, had been LIGHT.

Truth Passes Through The Creases of Time Like Water Through Your Fingers

Truth Passes Through The Creases of Time Like Water Through Your Fingers
2018, 4:01 min

With text by Guido Brivio di Bestagno

For a long time I have been fascinated by the way time reveals itself in photography. This installation is a new approach to the subject.

The single image has become a sequence of images, fading into each other.


You are sitting on your chair,
as every day.
What are you waiting for?

Read more…

The bonds of time
are all around you.
The little red cushion on the chair
is waiting for you.

You look into the mirror
but you cannot see your face.

You read your book,
you grasp it between your fingers,
but you cannot see the truth.

Truth passes through the creases of time
like water through your fingers.

Even if you stand in front of the truth
you cannot recognize it.

You will never discover the limits of soul,
should you traverse every road
so deep a measure does it possess (Heraclitus, B 45 DK).

You hope for truth,
you wait for it at your window,
every day.
You stand in front of it,
but the truth is not
where you are.

Truth passes through you
like water through your fingers.
Even if you desire truth,
you cannot see its face.

Truth is fading away.

But you sit at your window when evening falls
and you dream it to yourself (Kafka, An Imperial Message).

You stand alone
in front of the mirror
but you cannot see yourself.
You weep all your tears for truth
but the truth will not appear.

Pathei mathos (Aeschylus, Agamemnon 176, 8).

Truth is your endless quest
through time and tears.

I had poured out my soul upon the dust,
in loving one that must die
as if he would never die
(St. Augustin, Confessions IV 8, 13).

You will forget everything
but you cannot forget yourself.

Truth is not the answer
you are waiting for.
Truth is the space
where you are.

Truth is your desire for truth.

Comfort yourself.
You would not seek me if you had not found me
(Pascal, Pensaes, Brunschvicg 553).

What are you looking at?
Your heart is full of sorrow.
You are alone in front of truth
but you cannot see it.

Here no one else can gain entry,
since this entrance was assigned
only to you.
I’m going now to close it (Kafka, Before the Law).

Truth will make you free,
but who will make the truth free?
Truth is not the answer you’re waiting for.
It’s a space
that suddenly opens up.

You look through the window
but you cannot see the truth.
Truth is lost
in the creases of time.

The truth is not
where you are.
You try to open your heart
but you cannot.

Truth is the memory
of what cannot be seen.

Truth is not what you see
in front of you,
but all the intertwined gazes
on it.

It is the invisible essence
that gleams the most
in the visible world.

Your heart is full of sorrow.

What’s the difference
between truth and love?

James Reading – Reading James

James Reading – Reading James
2015, 7:58 min

In 2013 James Franco was the protagonist in Wim’s film „Every Thing Will Be Fine“ and from the first to the last day of the shoot, I was captivated by how James spent the breaks between the shots and the endless waiting that actors always have to deal with. He read books. In spite of all the noise around him, he remained a man in peaceful concentration. Nobody hardly ever spoke to him. It seemed forbidden to disturb the beauty of the calm space his reading was creating around him. My camera tried to respect his isolation.